Using Custom functions to model aperiodic signals#
Aperiodic changes in a power spectrum can be modeled using a variety of different linear models. This can be easily accomplished using scipy’s curve_fit function. PyRASA
aims to give users both some preset models that are similar to what has been implemented in specparam, as well as ability to fit custom models. The preset models are called fixed
and knee
and can be entered to the compute_slope method in the IrasaSpectrum
returned by the pyrasa.irasa
function. However, users
can also import the class AbstractFitFun
from pyrasa.utils.fit_funcs
and inherit from it. Below we will illustrate how this is done and how the resultant child class can be used as a Custom fit function to model aperiodic signals.
First we simulated a signal with a spectral exponent of 1.5
import scipy.signal as dsp
from pyrasa.utils.aperiodic_utils import compute_aperiodic_model
from pyrasa.utils.fit_funcs import AbstractFitFun
from pyrasa import irasa
import numpy as np
from neurodsp.sim import sim_powerlaw
import pandas as pd
n_secs = 60
f_range = [1.5, 150]
exponent = -1.5
sig = sim_powerlaw(n_seconds=n_secs, fs=fs, exponent=exponent)
freqs, psd = dsp.welch(sig, fs, nperseg=int(4 * fs))
freq_logical = np.logical_and(freqs >= f_range[0], freqs <= f_range[1])
psd, freqs = psd[freq_logical], freqs[freq_logical]
Now we need to simply overwrite the func method and enter it as a fit_func to either the compute_slope
function imported fromfrom pyrasa.utils.aperiodic_utils
. Or we can use the method of the IrasaSpectrum
returned by the pyrasa.irasa
class CustomFitFun(AbstractFitFun):
log10_aperiodic = True
log10_freq = True
def func(self, x: np.ndarray, a: float, b: float) -> np.ndarray:
Fixed fitting function.
Use this to model aperiodic activity without a spectral knee
y_hat = a - b * x
return y_hat
slope_fit = compute_aperiodic_model(psd, freqs, fit_func=CustomFitFun)
a | b | fit_type | ch_name | |
0 | -1.246405 | 1.480257 | custom | 0 |
slope_fit_2 = irasa(sig, fs=fs, band=f_range, psd_kwargs={'nperseg': 4 * fs}).fit_aperiodic_model(fit_func=CustomFitFun)
a | b | fit_type | ch_name | |
0 | -1.237573 | 1.483932 | custom | 0 |
mse | R2 | R2_adj. | BIC | BIC_adj. | AIC | fit_type | ch_name | |
0 | 0.006865 | 0.979519 | 0.979450 | -19.046324 | -25.395720 | -27.823447 | custom | 0 |
0 | 0.000361 | 0.998907 | 0.998903 | -37.861877 | -44.211273 | -46.638999 | custom | 0 |
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